I have been stressing about this bridal show at the Best Western in Cobourg since I signed up for it in January. For those of you that know me, I tend to over-react a little. Yes, I said a little. I admit it, I was freaking out inside. I was so nervous that my booth was going to look amateur, that I was going to feel amateur, and that people would walk right on by. Well, I am not an amateur!! An Arabian Proverb (thanks Scarlett) says "Compete, don't envy" So, that's what I did. I held my head high, and believed in myself!!! I did not allow myself to be a shrinking Violet!! My dear friend Jen came to help me out and give me moral support. For that, I thank you. My mom and dad both stopped by to give their moral support as well. For that, I also thank you. To all the brides that stopped and complimented me on my photographs and inquired about my packages and helped me believe "I'm worth it" Thank-you.
Also, thank you to my new photography friends, whom without your continued support I wouldn't have made it through the day.
I've attached some of my pictures from the bridal show. I, a photographer, forgot my camera. I must say though that I'm pretty thankful that's all I forgot! The coordinator was gracious enough to snap a couple pics with her cell-phone and email them to me. The quality isn't the greatest, but you get the drift :)
This image seemed to be the most popular. It was my very first wedding, in Cuba!!!